Post-Uni Lifestyle

The Tale of the Two Suitors – Part 1

This is based on a true story, but I made into a fairy tale for your – but mostly my – amusement. Adeola was the most employable person in all the land and everyone wanted a piece of the action. No, no, that’s not quite right. In truth, Adeola didn’t have everything the many employers […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

The Strength of Your Confidence Should Not Be Placed in Someone Else’s Hands – A Reflective Piece

I’ve already attempted to write a blog post twice this month, but the words weren’t coming out right. Third time’s the charm, eh? Let’s talk about the link between self-love and self-confidence. It Begins I’ve realised that looking for external validation only is definitely not the way to go. Obviously I knew that deep down, […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens (Just a Crack)

Hello! I’m unemployed again and job hunting already feels demoralising. Back in April, I mentioned that I would need to figure out what my next steps were in terms of employment and training after my apprenticeship was done. Well, I finally finished the apprenticeship in June and got the certificates in July. Yay me! I […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Shut Up and Just Do It: The Fear of Being Creative

Sometimes you have to just throw caution to the wind and give something a go! Throwback (21/08/21) I mentioned in my anniversary video last month that I was going to start giving things a go, so I can continue to move forward – but now I feel stuck again. We all knew this was coming […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Reaching the Destination Means Another Journey is Just Beginning

I’m almost done with my apprenticeship and I’m nervous as hell. I thought you liked to change things up? I love moving on from old things. The sense of relief I get from finishing a project is heavenly – but it always comes with the heavy weight of preparing for the next project. And for […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Why I’m Having Trouble Finding a Position

Originally written on 01/09/2019 – previously unreleased due to fear of reception. Lightly edited for clarity. Today’s other post So I haven’t had a full time job since February 2019 and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I have had the time to go on courses, build myself in my personal time and make […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle


Originally written at the right time, but I wanted to go in a different direction creatively. That different direction is now a defunct project. Sorry for being such a flip-flop! Today is the 29th July 2020, which marks the 1 year anniversary of going live! Happy Birthday, brainchild! Fear Poorly Masquerades as Motivation It […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Did I Make a Mistake?

Below is a piece I wrote last week, I’m still not sure how to feel right now. I am still in a state of insecurity about all the decisions I have made in life up to this point. Full-time work is hard for anyone to get into, but there is an added level of difficulty […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

I Got a Job!

You heard it here first! Ade is employed! I know I have a long way to go, but I feel good about this. That’s probably why I’m so nervous about the prospect of being employed. I feel as if I have to prove myself, even though that’s what the interview was for. This is a […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

At My Wit’s End

This post is effectively a transcript for the video below. Enjoy! Welcome everyone, my name is Ade and this is Glass of AJ; the channel that accompanies my portfolio of the written word. I decided to make an audio-visual version of this week’s post after scrapping my original idea which was another Guaranteed Failure post. […]