Post-Uni Lifestyle

The Strength of Your Confidence Should Not Be Placed in Someone Else’s Hands – A Reflective Piece

I’ve already attempted to write a blog post twice this month, but the words weren’t coming out right. Third time’s the charm, eh? Let’s talk about the link between self-love and self-confidence. It Begins I’ve realised that looking for external validation only is definitely not the way to go. Obviously I knew that deep down, […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens (Just a Crack)

Hello! I’m unemployed again and job hunting already feels demoralising. Back in April, I mentioned that I would need to figure out what my next steps were in terms of employment and training after my apprenticeship was done. Well, I finally finished the apprenticeship in June and got the certificates in July. Yay me! I […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle


Originally written at the right time, but I wanted to go in a different direction creatively. That different direction is now a defunct project. Sorry for being such a flip-flop! Today is the 29th July 2020, which marks the 1 year anniversary of going live! Happy Birthday, brainchild! Fear Poorly Masquerades as Motivation It […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

The Prodigal Apprentice: Office-ally Back in Business

I return to work next week and I’m absolutely terrified. It’s literally been 7 months since I was last at work, (7.5 since I was in the office itself) so this is going to be a big ol’ change. No more waking up in the middle of the day, because I ignored my arbitrary alarms […]

The GOAJ Podcast

Podcast Ep 5: Technical Difficulties with Existence

In this episode, I talk a bit about my absence from my website, my recent troubles with motivation and what I’ve been doing with myself in the meantime. The title is based off the couple of audio errors that cropped up. I don’t know what happened with my mic, but I’ll look into it.  (UPDATE […]

The GOAJ Podcast

Podcast Ep 4: That’s Just Prime!

Memes are my lifeblood. In this short episode, I talk about a recent purchase on Amazon Prime that made me question my morals in the time of corona. This episode was conceptualised on 30/05/2020 and recorded on 19/06/2020. I had college work to do – sue me. Links: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Sign […]

The GOAJ Podcast

Podcast Ep 2: Electric Boogaloo

Oops, I did it again! I gave you my voice, now you’re going insane! Oh baby, baby… Recorded on 12/04/2020 – I talk absolute rubbish for 30 minutes (after rigorous editing) about how that big global issue dominating the news is ruining my life. Concerned about the outcome of this situation, I talk about my […]

The GOAJ Podcast

Podcast Pilot: Going Down the Sh*tter

This is what happens when you buy a small novelty microphone from eBay – you become a wannabe podcaster! Yes, his name is “Mini Mic” <3. Recorded on 30/03/2020 – I talk about what my forced time off could be used for. I lay out my worries concerning my job, my financial stability and my […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Life as a Furloughed Worker

What happened? Ms. Rona happened. As you all know, the world has been going through a likkle crisis lately. We will not mention it by name because this is a safe space. As a result of this crisis – I have become a “furloughed worker”. What the heck is a furlough anyway? Being furloughed means […]