Hello! First post of 2023 and it’s a poem!
![Seven identical white doors in a row on the same pattern wall. What's behind them is a mystery.](https://glassofaj.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/doors-1767559_1920-1024x546.jpg)
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay
I don’t know about you, but I have trouble making decisions.
Even the smallest ones are hard. It’s ridiculous because I like things in a particular way, yet I can’t help but struggle to pick what is best for me.
There’s probably some deep psychological issue or reason for it, but I’ll just keep on trucking while I figure life out!
Anywho, enjoy!
Should I? Shouldn't I? But really - should I? What would be the outcome if I did? "No one can tell you the future, kid." I'll try that today. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow. I'll probably have time next week. Do I really have to make a decision? Something like that requires precision. I have to? Do I really have to? Isn't there another way? Must I choose this path? Will there be an aftermath? Mind your business! I'm my own person! You can't tell me what to do! With the powers of persuasion, Thoughts of others make an invasion. I can do this. I have to do it. There isn't a way around it. Words now spoken by an inner voice: "Maybe I never had the choice."
A Sign Off and a Call to Action
Thank you for reading my free-form poem about making decisions. I hope you’re having a great 2023 so far!
I actually wrote a similarly themed poem back in 2020. And yes, it’s related to the same type of decision.
Do you have trouble making decisions or is making decisions one of your special skills? Do you have any tips for indecisive people? Write them in the comments, email me or send me a DM on Instagram!
If you want to read more of my content, I have plenty of random posts on this website for you to engage with. From poems and short stories to essays and reflective accounts on a variety of topics, there will definitely be something to sink your teeth into on glassofaj.com!
I also stream games to Twitch as AnAppleAde! Feel free to swing by and say hi! I write a 4-line rhyming poem for my go live notification which tells you what games I’m playing! My new schedule is variable so who knows where I’ll go live?!
Until next time, stay safe and…
Stay Thirsty!
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