What a year, eh?
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels
Despite the countless curveballs this year threw at me (mostly in the last 4 months), I somehow made it to the end and kept posting on this site.
So what has been accomplished?
I shared views on motivational quotes, showcased content from my Twitch channel (changed my screen name) and told a funny story about my encounter with a rodent.
I celebrated 3 years of running this site, discussed my desire to make more online content and ultimately failing, and I wrote a few haikus.
I wrote a spooky story and championed making positive changes in life before the new year.
So, was the resolution ever resolved?
In that last post, I mentioned some unexpected news that gave me the motivation to make an effort to start working on a creative project. At the end of November, it happened again – I was let go from my job.
The same thing happened in August 2021. I was expecting that it could happen because it was a contract-based job. I just didn’t expect them to cut a recently renewed contract short by 3 months.
This was devastating, but not on the scale of my previous termination. Nothing could compare to the first time I was thrust into instability.
Now, although I set out to produce a podcast pilot for the end of 2022, I wasn’t able to get there. I could blame it on the job search, the stress of wrapping up projects before leaving my job, or the stress of financial issues that I have been struggling with for most of the year (much like everyone else) – but I don’t think those were the only factors.
So what really happened?
A lot of my posts boil down to one thing being my biggest barrier.
I was afraid of failing.
This podcast idea, although it’s in a solo audio diary format, requires a lot of research. I could easily screw things up by not using the right sources, or missing out particular and relevant experiences that could make this character more believable.
I thought my efforts would be a disservice to those who have ever been in such a situation or known someone who has.
That crushing feeling, along with my ability to procrastinate until the cows come home led me to not accomplishing much more than a couple lines of a script and an audio sound bite for my personal notes.
I thought the prospect of having a hashtag and a obligation to update people would spur me on, but I just retreated into myself and refused to see that any step towards working on this project would be a sign of progress.
So what now?
I’m still going to make this pilot.
Even if it’s the only episode that gets made.
Even if it takes me a few weeks/months/years to get the script right.
Even if it means facing my fears and failing!
I’m going to do it!
And the future is looking a bit brighter. I found a job that starts in January and it pays more than my previous one, so my money troubles will soon be a thing of the past.
I’m rearranging my living space after it being in disarray after an incident that required a few, but invasive repairs to my flat.
I’m becoming more comfortable with being visibly online, little by little. Blogging was always an easy way for me to get a message across without showing my face every time. Now I stream to Twitch twice a week (most of the time) and have managed to keep it going for almost a year without huge breaks. And the community I’m building keeps my faith in humanity alive.
So you failed because 2022 is over?
Just because it’s the end of December, it doesn’t mean I can’t continue to #resolvetheresolution – in fact, I will continue to have opportunities to challenge my fears and pursue my dreams as long as I am on this earth. The same goes for you!
Make a vision board, set some manageable goals and make sure you never break a promise to yourself again! It hurts when a betrayal comes from within. You can do this! Never give up on yourself. If you do, who will be left to champion you in every aspect of your existence?
No one.
A Sign Off and a Call to Action
Thank you for reading my last blog post of 2022! I hope you had an amazing year! But if not, 2023 is another chance for you to reach your goals (or make a start on the journey) and find exactly what you are looking for in life.
Was there anything that you wanted to do this year but never got the chance to? Or maybe you have some New Year’s Resolutions to share? Write them in the comments, email me or send me a DM on Instagram!
If you want to read more of my content, I have plenty of random posts on this website for you to engage with. From poems and short stories to essays and reflective accounts on a variety of topics, there will definitely be something to sink your teeth into on glassofaj.com!
I also stream games to Twitch on Mondays and Fridays from 9 PM GMT/BST as AnAppleAde! Feel free to swing by and say hi! I write a 4-line rhyming poem for my go live notification which tells you what games I’m playing!
Until next time, stay safe and…
Stay Thirsty!
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AnAppleAde Links:
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