Post-Uni Lifestyle

Did I Make a Mistake?

Below is a piece I wrote last week, I’m still not sure how to feel right now. I am still in a state of insecurity about all the decisions I have made in life up to this point. Full-time work is hard for anyone to get into, but there is an added level of difficulty […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

5 Things to Do While You’re Out of Work

So as you may or may not know, I don’t have a full-time job, but I work as a freelance transcriptionist. I am currently on the search for a job that suits me / I have the experience for / is in an industry I like / is something to pay the bills. As you […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

10 CV Mistakes I Once Made

The first time I wrote a CV was for a Career Planning class back in secondary school. It wasn’t amazing, and it only had my compulsory work experience for the class on there, along with some volunteer work I was doing in my spare time at a museum. My CV is much closer to where […]