
Glass of AJ is 2 Years Old!

My little website is getting older! Anniversary video time! In this video, I talk about where I’m at in terms of my self-improvement journey. I mention promises I’ve actually kept and embark on a further exploration of why giving things a go is good choice most of the time. Spontaneity breeds opportunity, it seems! Let’s […]


2020 – What a Year!

And it all started so well… I’m sure you’ve heard lots of takes on how 2020 is the worst year… like, ever – but I want to go through a few positives of the year from the perspective of this irrelevant site. What Did You Actually Do This Year? I actually posted a fair few […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

At My Wit’s End

This post is effectively a transcript for the video below. Enjoy! Welcome everyone, my name is Ade and this is Glass of AJ; the channel that accompanies my portfolio of the written word. I decided to make an audio-visual version of this week’s post after scrapping my original idea which was another Guaranteed Failure post. […]