Post-Uni Lifestyle


Originally written at the right time, but I wanted to go in a different direction creatively. That different direction is now a defunct project. Sorry for being such a flip-flop! Today is the 29th July 2020, which marks the 1 year anniversary of going live! Happy Birthday, brainchild! Fear Poorly Masquerades as Motivation It […]


Introducing… Myself?

I’m featuring a YouTube video I made for my other online persona, SimpleThimbles! I tried out the whole haul video thing and I liked making it. I just hated editing it. I probably take a long time editing things because I watch them a million times over looking for mistakes to fix. Oh, the woes […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

5 Things to Do While You’re Out of Work

So as you may or may not know, I don’t have a full-time job, but I work as a freelance transcriptionist. I am currently on the search for a job that suits me / I have the experience for / is in an industry I like / is something to pay the bills. As you […]