Guaranteed Failure

I Made a Song in About an Hour

From 1:13 to 2:19 am on a Friday, I recorded and cut some sounds together to make slightly melodic noises. No, I’m not a musician As you may or may not know, my posts on here don’t really get planned in advance, at least not by a considerable amount of time. While struggling to think […]

Guaranteed Failure

I Learnt How to Make Croissants…sorta

They didn’t come out as expected. I have been baking a little more lately due to the lack of comfort food available at the moment. I miss you Greggs <3 I usually stick to what I know, but I decided to try something that may be considered an expert level product – croissants! Some people […]

Guaranteed Failure

Ade Tries Slam Poetry

What? Why? Spoken word has become an exciting interest for me over the past few years. This is due to my recent friendships with writers of all types. I say recent, I mean within the past 4 years! I have attended open mic nights, watched quite a few YouTube videos where people perform their pieces […]

Guaranteed Failure

I Learnt How to Use Microsoft Word

What? Only just now? How the hell did you get through university? No, of course I knew how to use Microsoft Word, or else my dissertation must have looked horrific. Oh dear. I formally apologise to all my lecturers… just in case. Although I already had a decent knowledge of Word, there were fundamental things […]

Guaranteed Failure

Initial Briefing

This post is here to lay down the ground rules of this particular blog. At least the ground rules for now, I tend to tweak things to fit my style as I move through life, so we’ll see what happens. Without further ado or anymore preamble, let’s get into it! The whole point of this […]