Post-Uni Lifestyle

I Got a Job!

You heard it here first! Ade is employed! I know I have a long way to go, but I feel good about this. That’s probably why I’m so nervous about the prospect of being employed. I feel as if I have to prove myself, even though that’s what the interview was for. This is a […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

That One Time I Worked As a Leaflet Distributor

Originally written on 23/06/2019 and 27/06/2019 and heavily adapted for this blog post. Below is an account of my experience. It is split into 3 sections; Before, After and Reflection for simplicity. From the title, this may not seem like a riveting and engaging story but maybe you should give it a chance. In the […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Humble Beginnings

September 2018. Finished my Bachelor’s degree in Physical Geography, received a 2:1 and could finally put the nominal next to my name – BSc. I wasn’t proud of myself, but I was incredibly relieved that it was all over. No one ever tells you how difficult university is, or at least no one ever told […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle


I’m Ade and this is my very own website. Why does that matter to anyone with an ounce of self-respect? Well, I’ll tell you for why! I am an average person – heck, a below average person, who thinks their voice matters enough to share it with the internet. I have lofty aspirations and a […]