Post-Uni Lifestyle

The Strength of Your Confidence Should Not Be Placed in Someone Else’s Hands – A Reflective Piece

I’ve already attempted to write a blog post twice this month, but the words weren’t coming out right. Third time’s the charm, eh? Let’s talk about the link between self-love and self-confidence. It Begins I’ve realised that looking for external validation only is definitely not the way to go. Obviously I knew that deep down, […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens (Just a Crack)

Hello! I’m unemployed again and job hunting already feels demoralising. Back in April, I mentioned that I would need to figure out what my next steps were in terms of employment and training after my apprenticeship was done. Well, I finally finished the apprenticeship in June and got the certificates in July. Yay me! I […]

The GOAJ Podcast

Podcast Ep 2: Electric Boogaloo

Oops, I did it again! I gave you my voice, now you’re going insane! Oh baby, baby… Recorded on 12/04/2020 – I talk absolute rubbish for 30 minutes (after rigorous editing) about how that big global issue dominating the news is ruining my life. Concerned about the outcome of this situation, I talk about my […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Life as a Furloughed Worker

What happened? Ms. Rona happened. As you all know, the world has been going through a likkle crisis lately. We will not mention it by name because this is a safe space. As a result of this crisis – I have become a “furloughed worker”. What the heck is a furlough anyway? Being furloughed means […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Did I Make a Mistake?

Below is a piece I wrote last week, I’m still not sure how to feel right now. I am still in a state of insecurity about all the decisions I have made in life up to this point. Full-time work is hard for anyone to get into, but there is an added level of difficulty […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Life as an Apprentice

Hello, how are you doing? I only start with pleasantries because it’s been a month since I posted anything on my site. Sorry. In fact, I haven’t posted since last year, if you’re being pedantic. For those of you who like to pay attention to detail, I have changed the layout of my site because […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

At My Wit’s End

This post is effectively a transcript for the video below. Enjoy! Welcome everyone, my name is Ade and this is Glass of AJ; the channel that accompanies my portfolio of the written word. I decided to make an audio-visual version of this week’s post after scrapping my original idea which was another Guaranteed Failure post. […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

How I Handle Stress

The secret is… I don’t. Life is full of stress, that’s just a fact. But actively trying to change your situation is inherently stressful. Taking risks, trying new techniques and travelling to new places, physically and emotionally, takes its toll on a person. I would say I am a prime example of this. I have […]

Guaranteed Failure

I Learnt How to Use Microsoft Word

What? Only just now? How the hell did you get through university? No, of course I knew how to use Microsoft Word, or else my dissertation must have looked horrific. Oh dear. I formally apologise to all my lecturers… just in case. Although I already had a decent knowledge of Word, there were fundamental things […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

That One Time I Worked As a Leaflet Distributor

Originally written on 23/06/2019 and 27/06/2019 and heavily adapted for this blog post. Below is an account of my experience. It is split into 3 sections; Before, After and Reflection for simplicity. From the title, this may not seem like a riveting and engaging story but maybe you should give it a chance. In the […]