Post-Uni Lifestyle

How I Handle Stress

The secret is… I don’t. Life is full of stress, that’s just a fact. But actively trying to change your situation is inherently stressful. Taking risks, trying new techniques and travelling to new places, physically and emotionally, takes its toll on a person. I would say I am a prime example of this. I have […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

The System is (Occasionally) Down

Following up from last week’s post, I did try to keep track of where my time was going. The operative word here is “try”. I managed to do this for the first couple of days, then I just forgot to keep up with it. I did notice that my “worry time” increased this week, probably […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Humble Beginnings

September 2018. Finished my Bachelor’s degree in Physical Geography, received a 2:1 and could finally put the nominal next to my name – BSc. I wasn’t proud of myself, but I was incredibly relieved that it was all over. No one ever tells you how difficult university is, or at least no one ever told […]