Oops, I did it again! I gave you my voice, now you’re going insane! Oh baby, baby…
Recorded on 12/04/2020 – I talk absolute rubbish for 30 minutes (after rigorous editing) about how that big global issue dominating the news is ruining my life. Concerned about the outcome of this situation, I talk about my worries surrounding physical and mental health.
By consulting the scholars of the internet, i.e. Wikipedia, I find out the meaning of OK. I also go through some of my current thoughts in weird experimental radio drama fashion.
Brace yourselves for the auditory wonder that is me losing all my marbles. Can you find them for me? Thanks bro ; )
Warning: Strong Language. Listener discretion is advised.
I realised that my voice fluctuates in pitch and volume quite a bit, so if this sounds like an audible mosaic, I apologise. But it may sound that way because I had to cut out about a million pauses in my speech.
I say “um” a lot, and it disgusts me.
I tried to make my voice sound as natural as possible, but also save you from the stampede of filler words. I also realised I have a slight stammer, which may be induced by stress because I never noticed it before.
Look, I have very few things to keep track of now, so my mind focuses on the little things.
Let me know what you think. Any chance of improved audio is quite slim, since all the good quality microphones are selling out. Everybody is probably joining the YouTube/podcast wave. Just know that I am not one of those wannabes; I’ve wanted to be an entertainer my entire life. I just got so shy and anxious over the years, that those dreams were set aside.
By running this site, my YouTube and my Instagram, I’m trying to get more comfortable with having a voice, being in front of a camera and using my personality to entertain the people around me. I only just got used to talking to people in real life, so bear with me and my stupid little baby steps.
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