Post-Uni Lifestyle

The Strength of Your Confidence Should Not Be Placed in Someone Else’s Hands – A Reflective Piece

I’ve already attempted to write a blog post twice this month, but the words weren’t coming out right. Third time’s the charm, eh? Let’s talk about the link between self-love and self-confidence. It Begins I’ve realised that looking for external validation only is definitely not the way to go. Obviously I knew that deep down, […]


We Live in a Society!

It’s been a hot minute since I last uploaded anything and I’ve felt like absolute crap the whole time. I really wanted to upload something but I kept getting my own way. Always thinking about how it could be received. How it wasn’t perfect. How it wasn’t really representative of me. Some people have a […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

At My Wit’s End

This post is effectively a transcript for the video below. Enjoy! Welcome everyone, my name is Ade and this is Glass of AJ; the channel that accompanies my portfolio of the written word. I decided to make an audio-visual version of this week’s post after scrapping my original idea which was another Guaranteed Failure post. […]