
Just Checking In

How are you doing? Long time no speak, eh? Where the f*** have you been?! So if you are on my mailing list, you would have received an email back at the start of December outlining my plans to finish out the year, blog-wise. As you may be able to tell, that royally flopped. No […]

Guaranteed Failure

I Learnt How to Make Croissants…sorta

They didn’t come out as expected. I have been baking a little more lately due to the lack of comfort food available at the moment. I miss you Greggs <3 I usually stick to what I know, but I decided to try something that may be considered an expert level product – croissants! Some people […]


Questions From an Idle Mind

This is a brand-new format where I find the answers to questions that I come up with when my mind has the chance to wander. I have always wanted to incorporate this idea into my regular posts but I never found the right way to include them. I also felt that they would take away […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

5 Things to Do While You’re Out of Work

So as you may or may not know, I don’t have a full-time job, but I work as a freelance transcriptionist. I am currently on the search for a job that suits me / I have the experience for / is in an industry I like / is something to pay the bills. As you […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

10 CV Mistakes I Once Made

The first time I wrote a CV was for a Career Planning class back in secondary school. It wasn’t amazing, and it only had my compulsory work experience for the class on there, along with some volunteer work I was doing in my spare time at a museum. My CV is much closer to where […]