I’ve already attempted to write a blog post twice this month, but the words weren’t coming out right. Third time’s the charm, eh? Let’s talk about the link between self-love and self-confidence. It Begins I’ve realised that looking for external validation only is definitely not the way to go. Obviously I knew that deep down, […]
Tag: self-care
Sometimes it’s nice to Karen it up. I’m a big fan of character study and understanding how someone would do something if they possessed particular traits. I’m sure the way I would do something would be much different than how an older person would do it. An example is figuring out how to make an […]
2020 – What a Year!
And it all started so well… I’m sure you’ve heard lots of takes on how 2020 is the worst year… like, ever – but I want to go through a few positives of the year from the perspective of this irrelevant site. What Did You Actually Do This Year? I actually posted a fair few […]
Following up from last week’s post, I did try to keep track of where my time was going. The operative word here is “try”. I managed to do this for the first couple of days, then I just forgot to keep up with it. I did notice that my “worry time” increased this week, probably […]