
Honesty is the Best Policy

So, I’m going to be honest with you. I have no idea what I’m doing. That may not come as a shock, because I think really deep down, most people feel the same. They may find reasons to keep going with things in life, but if those reasons weren’t a factor, maybe they would be […]


Voices from the Inbetween

I wrote a short story based on something that happened to me this week. Sleep is a funny thing. Going to bed requires a special table to lie on and special clothes to wear. You close your eyes and eventually fall into a form of stasis… at least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Sometimes […]


2020 – What a Year!

And it all started so well… I’m sure you’ve heard lots of takes on how 2020 is the worst year… like, ever – but I want to go through a few positives of the year from the perspective of this irrelevant site. What Did You Actually Do This Year? I actually posted a fair few […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Life as an Apprentice

Hello, how are you doing? I only start with pleasantries because it’s been a month since I posted anything on my site. Sorry. In fact, I haven’t posted since last year, if you’re being pedantic. For those of you who like to pay attention to detail, I have changed the layout of my site because […]