
Behind the Bins

I wrote another short story, I hope you enjoy it! And it’s another bin related one too! Strong language is used, by the way! Picture this: A cold dark night in a residential area. Inner city. Flat complex. Wind rustling through the urban planned trees. Sirens off in the distance. The crisp freshness of air […]

Resources / Links

All my blog posts since my last social media update!

So you’re curious about what I have been up to since October? Take a look at the links below to see the content I have uploaded since my last update on social media! The Strength of Your Confidence Should Not Be Placed in Someone Else’s Hands – A Reflective Piece – Glass of AJ The […]


The Day I Met Reggie

OK, this story is a bit grim, but it seems funny after it had time to settle. And so it begins…with the bins! About two months ago, I was taking out the bins. The usual, except I’m doing it during the day. I usually go at night to avoid people and stuff. Plus, the night […]


Voices from the Inbetween

I wrote a short story based on something that happened to me this week. Sleep is a funny thing. Going to bed requires a special table to lie on and special clothes to wear. You close your eyes and eventually fall into a form of stasis… at least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Sometimes […]