
2022 in Review

What a year, eh? Despite the countless curveballs this year threw at me (mostly in the last 4 months), I somehow made it to the end and kept posting on this site. So what has been accomplished? I shared views on motivational quotes, showcased content from my Twitch channel (changed my screen name) and told […]


Glass of AJ is 3 Years Old!!!

Holy mackerel! We did it again! Another year of posts successfully shared with the world (of course with the exception of a couple that I promised a while ago). Managing work alongside personal projects has become difficult, but I still come back here to post once a month because I love to write. Glass of […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

Shut Up and Just Do It: The Fear of Being Creative

Sometimes you have to just throw caution to the wind and give something a go! Throwback (21/08/21) I mentioned in my anniversary video last month that I was going to start giving things a go, so I can continue to move forward – but now I feel stuck again. We all knew this was coming […]


Glass of AJ is 2 Years Old!

My little website is getting older! Anniversary video time! In this video, I talk about where I’m at in terms of my self-improvement journey. I mention promises I’ve actually kept and embark on a further exploration of why giving things a go is good choice most of the time. Spontaneity breeds opportunity, it seems! Let’s […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle


Originally written at the right time, but I wanted to go in a different direction creatively. That different direction is now a defunct project. Sorry for being such a flip-flop! Today is the 29th July 2020, which marks the 1 year anniversary of going live! Happy Birthday, brainchild! Fear Poorly Masquerades as Motivation It […]