
Just Checking In

How are you doing? Long time no speak, eh? Where the f*** have you been?! So if you are on my mailing list, you would have received an email back at the start of December outlining my plans to finish out the year, blog-wise. As you may be able to tell, that royally flopped. No […]

Post-Uni Lifestyle

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens (Just a Crack)

Hello! I’m unemployed again and job hunting already feels demoralising. Back in April, I mentioned that I would need to figure out what my next steps were in terms of employment and training after my apprenticeship was done. Well, I finally finished the apprenticeship in June and got the certificates in July. Yay me! I […]

Guaranteed Failure

I Learnt How to Use Microsoft Word

What? Only just now? How the hell did you get through university? No, of course I knew how to use Microsoft Word, or else my dissertation must have looked horrific. Oh dear. I formally apologise to all my lecturers… just in case. Although I already had a decent knowledge of Word, there were fundamental things […]