I like to write poetry sometimes.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels
Hello there! You wanna read some poetry? Well here’s something to make you cry, laugh and hope – a haiku for anytime in your life where you feel like doing any of the three previously mentioned things. Leggo!
Cry: The Pain of Existence
Emptiness, a pit
I’m an existentialist
Really, is this it?
I wrote this one a month ago today, but I felt like it needed friends. (06/09/22)
Laugh: Rising to the Surface
Pending eruption
Now, almost boiling over
The joy of laughter!
Hope: Time Will Tell
Though all may seem lost
The long tunnel has an end
It’s not over yet
And here’s a bonus poem to make the 4 in the title have a deep, hidden meaning instead just being text-speak.
Bonus: Inner Strength
Existence is strife
Souls bearing the weight of life
Still, they remain strong
A Sign Off and a Call to Action
Thank you for reading my haikus! I hope they were really cool and thought-provoking, instead of disappointing and lacklustre.
Would you like to share a haiku based on a feeling or a mood? Maybe another form of poetry is more your speed? Either way, share them in the comments, email me or send me a DM on Instagram!
If you want to read more of my content, I have plenty of random posts on this website for you to engage with. From poems and short stories to essays and reflective accounts on a variety of topics, there will definitely be something to sink your teeth into on glassofaj.com!
I also stream games to Twitch on Mondays and Fridays from 9 PM GMT/BST as AnAppleAde! Feel free to swing by and say hi! I write a 4-line rhyming poem for my go live notification which tells you what games I’m playing!
Until next time, stay safe and…
Stay Thirsty!
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