

Hello! First post of 2023 and it’s a poem! I don’t know about you, but I have trouble making decisions. Even the smallest ones are hard. It’s ridiculous because I like things in a particular way, yet I can’t help but struggle to pick what is best for me. There’s probably some deep psychological issue […]


Glass of AJ is 2 Years Old!

My little website is getting older! Anniversary video time! In this video, I talk about where I’m at in terms of my self-improvement journey. I mention promises I’ve actually kept and embark on a further exploration of why giving things a go is good choice most of the time. Spontaneity breeds opportunity, it seems! Let’s […]


Voices from the Inbetween

I wrote a short story based on something that happened to me this week. Sleep is a funny thing. Going to bed requires a special table to lie on and special clothes to wear. You close your eyes and eventually fall into a form of stasis… at least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Sometimes […]