

Another poem for you because my thoughts feel a bit too abstract at the moment… or maybe I’m still feeling cryptic? Can you tell I have no time To update this little site of mine? I try my best With little success So my life continues to be a mess A lack of organisation A […]


3 Haikus 4 U

I like to write poetry sometimes. Hello there! You wanna read some poetry? Well here’s something to make you cry, laugh and hope – a haiku for anytime in your life where you feel like doing any of the three previously mentioned things. Leggo! Cry: The Pain of Existence Emptiness, a pit I’m an existentialist […]

Resources / Links

All my blog posts since my last social media update!

So you’re curious about what I have been up to since October? Take a look at the links below to see the content I have uploaded since my last update on social media! The Strength of Your Confidence Should Not Be Placed in Someone Else’s Hands – A Reflective Piece – Glass of AJ The […]


Glass of AJ is 3 Years Old!!!

Holy mackerel! We did it again! Another year of posts successfully shared with the world (of course with the exception of a couple that I promised a while ago). Managing work alongside personal projects has become difficult, but I still come back here to post once a month because I love to write. Glass of […]