
Glass of AJ is 2 Years Old!

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My little website is getting older! Anniversary video time!
Auto-generated thumbnails are funny all by themselves.

In this video, I talk about where I’m at in terms of my self-improvement journey. I mention promises I’ve actually kept and embark on a further exploration of why giving things a go is good choice most of the time.

Spontaneity breeds opportunity, it seems!

Let’s see if I can keep this fire burning, and stop being my own worst enemy. Who knows where I’ll be in a year?

Thank you for being along for the ride! If you just joined, welcome aboard!


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By Ade

An aspiring creator in way too many areas, Ade loves to try something new, as long as it doesn't interfere with the balance of the universe too much. Trying to take each day as it comes, Ade edits videos for YouTube, occasionally records podcasts, and writes with strange mannerisms to entertain the world.

