Holy mackerel! We did it again!
Another year of posts successfully shared with the world (of course with the exception of a couple that I promised a while ago).
Managing work alongside personal projects has become difficult, but I still come back here to post once a month because I love to write.
Glass of AJ turned 3 years old on the 29th July 2022. Although I wrote my first post on the 26th July 2019, it was finally published on the 29th July 2019! That was the day this site was born!
Today, I’m going to write a poem in honour of this site and show the significance it has had in my journey into adulthood after university.
Here it goes!
My partner in crime Joined at the hip for all time For the accomplishments and low points of my recent history You were always there for me Whether the posts were weekly or monthly I knew there was a place I could express myself creatively For the hills that felt insurmountable You always held me accountable When I had something amazing to share or a sad story to impart You gave me the opportunity to open my heart Though at a cost of admin fees yearly You know care about you so dearly From graduation to job applications Learning new skills and self-reflections When writing poems, stories and prose You let me share my highs and my lows Whether I felt as heavy as a brick or as light as a feather We always spent our time together No matter if I felt strong or weak You gave me the room to speak I have one more thing to say If I may I love you so much Glass of AJ You made me the person I am today
A Thank You and a Call to Action
Thank you so much for being along for the ride! Here’s to Glass of AJ Year 4 being as an amazing experience as the ones before!
What have you done recently that has made you proud of how far you’ve come? Share them in the comments, email me or send me a DM on Instagram!
If you want to read more of my content, I have plenty of random posts on this website for you to engage with. From poems and short stories to essays and reflective accounts on a variety of topics, there will definitely be something to sink your teeth into on glassofaj.com!
I also stream games to Twitch on Mondays and Fridays from 9 PM GMT/BST as AnAppleAde! Feel free to swing by and say hi!
Until next time, stay safe and…
Stay Thirsty!
Glass of AJ Links:
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AnAppleAde Links:
Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Twitch