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Another poem for you because my thoughts feel a bit too abstract at the moment… or maybe I’m still feeling cryptic?

A tall stack of cardboard boxes threatens to overwhelm a person standing next to it. The person braces with arms outstretched, expecting the boxes to fall down. The boxes are labelled and say from top to bottom: Break up, work, deadline, anxiety, problems, stress.
Behold! My tower of problems! Believe it. Fear it. Save me from it! I’m begging you!

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels
Can you tell
I have no time
To update this little site of mine?

I try my best
With little success
So my life continues to be a mess

A lack of organisation
A stiff sense of flow
A struggle to keep energy levels above LOW

The pressures of adulthood
Managing resources
And trying not to get knocked down by external forces

My best is not enough?
Are you serious?!
I'm living life like Sisyphus

"These things take time"
"Give it a bit more effort"
But I just want a bit of comfort

Maybe I'm tired of playing dodge-ball
I feel alone on my team
And the universe is being mean

Red balls flying in quick succession
You can't expect me to handle all this
Someone's taking the absolute piss

There hasn't been a sign
Nothing is aligning
Has everyone been lying?

I don't want to be defeatist
But it's hard to be optimistic
When the world feels so antagonistic

A Sign Off and a Call to Action

Thank you for reading my poem about feeling overwhelmed, seeking advice from others and having lacklustre time-management skills.

How do you deal with feeling overwhelmed? Do you have any special coping techniques or ways of changing your mindset? Maybe you have ideas about adapting advice from others to suit you better? Or maybe you could let me know the secret to making clocks my allies? Write them in the comments, email me or send me a DM on Instagram!

If you want to read more of my content, I have plenty of random posts on this website for you to engage with. From poems and short stories to essays and reflective accounts on a variety of topics, there will definitely be something to sink your teeth into on!

I also stream games to Twitch as AnAppleAde! Feel free to swing by and say hi! I write a 4-line rhyming poem for my go live notification which tells you what games I’m playing! My new schedule is variable so who knows when I’ll go live?!

Until next time, stay safe and…

Stay Thirsty!


Glass of AJ Links:

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AnAppleAde Links:

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By Ade

An aspiring creator in way too many areas, Ade loves to try something new, as long as it doesn't interfere with the balance of the universe too much. Trying to take each day as it comes, Ade edits videos for YouTube, occasionally records podcasts, and writes with strange mannerisms to entertain the world.

